Tuesday 7 PM

Pig Heart groomed 28 km this morning with the bigger Pisten Bully (we need to have a contest to name the 2 Bullies)

The trails groomed up great, especially where the 3 brushing crews worked hard yesterday. reports from skiers were very positive.

We have 2 crews of 2 heading out in the AM to cut the ice damaged trees and limbs and throw them off the trails. They will be tracking and grooming after they cut. Tamarack 2 Track to Jason Park, (Windy Ridge is still closed until it gets groomed and brushed). Hemlock Trail, Highlands with Coyote. ….and Tamarack 2 Track 2 way are going to be brushed and regroomed in the morning. They won’t all be ready at 9 AM of course with the brushing work. If you come to ski at 9 AM ski the groomed/brushed 30 km trail. If you come at 11 AM ski the 45km of groomed and brushed trails.

If you want to help open up the other 50 k of trail, ask how to help. Our grooming crew is very talented at keeping the machines going and grooming, We can cut, clip and polesaw brush, we can even throw brush on the side of the trail. We can always use help though after a storm like last week,