We had a great morning of grooming! I was in ” Big Heart” the bigger Pisten Bully with the wide tracks and tiller and Crasher was in “Little Heart” Pisten Bully. We groomed up most of the combi trails and Tamarack. We groomed about 67 km today with the Bullies. We stopped grooming the end of the Highlands last week and the black diamonds end of Pelty. Rudy’s is also not groomed. Sunday we have 3 groomers scheduled to groom all the classics, and the same on the combis….2 inches of snow scheduled for midnight. Groomers arrive at 5-6 AM. 80 + km on the schedule for Sunday grooming

Season passes on sale and ski shop sale 20-30% off. Closing date is a week from Sunday…looks like we will make it with good snow. 115 days this season!