We headed out with the bigger Pisten Bully into town on the SISU Trail into town. A few thin areas under the pines but 98 % of the trail looked great. The new snow should help make it perfect. Tuesday we plan to Groom the skate lanes on the SISU racecourse on ABR Trails and install signs and KM markers. Classic Tracks are skiing well.
Wednesday we are scheduling a full crew to groom the forecast new snowfall of 5-11 inches. Saturday the race course will be closed to non racers until noon when the last wave goes off. All of the classic only trails except Jack Pine will open at 9 AM for day skiers , For skaters or classic , the combination trails : Dog trails, Deer Trail and Pelty will be open at 9 AM Saturday for Day skiers

Grooming the “Anderson Bluffs and River Trail Foundation” property, previously known as the Woodward Trail connecting ABR into the RR Grade for the SISU Ski Fest next Saturday.