Friday night New Years Eve 6 PM

We re-groomed 55 km today of skate lanes and we left classic tracks alone since the majority of them were very nice. We have a full groomer crew coming in the early AM to take care of the new snow falling now, most likely setting new tracks and grooming all skate lanes.

I want to take this post to thank all of customers this year for their business and being great to work with. I am thanking the homeowners who trusted us and let us build them trailside houses, the customers who we built roads and cleared building sites for, the customers we installed septic systems for keeping our crew busy all summer long and the customers that came to ABR Trails to ski, shop or lodge with us and trusted us to have well groomed trails for them.

HAPPY NEW YEAR and see you tomorrow for skiing or snowshoeing. We open at 9 AM

THANK YOU from Angela and Eric