These are the official annual snowfalls reported by the local road commission.
Season Inches Feet of snow
95-96 285 23.8
96-97 300 25.0
97-98 145 12.1
98-99 160 13.3
99-00 158 13.2
00-01 250 20.8
01-02 252 21.0
02-03 215 17.9
03-04 218 18.1
04-05 148 12.3
05-06 190 15.8
06-07 220 18.3
07-08 170 14.2
08-09 189 15.8
AVERAGE 207 17.3

These are the official annual snowfalls reported
by the local road commision
Season Inches Feet of snow
95-96 285 23.8
96-97 300 25.0
97-98 145 12.1
98-99 160 13.3
99-00 158 13.2
00-01 250 20.8
01-02 252 21.0
02-03 215 17.9
03-04 218 18.1
04-05 148 12.3
05-06 190 15.8
06-07 220 18.3
07-08 170 14.2
08-09 189 15.8
AVERAGE 207 IN. 17.3 FT.