Sunday 8 PM

We had a good day of early ski conditions today. The groomers were out leveling out the base and grooming this morning again. The trails are well covered but the thin base can get hard and icy after heavy skier traffic. We are grooming 20 km for skiing. We are grooming another 50 km to smooth out the trails and prepare them for more snow; some are skiable some not . Check in at trail head for exact conditions.


Saturday 6 PM

Demo days went well today with Fischer and Atomic present with their race skis and boots for on snow demo, and Toko doing a Wax Clinic.
We regroomed about 30 km of trails this morning and last night and the trails are really starting to level out. We did not reset the classic tracks since they are holding up well. We will be back out in the early AM regrooming the trails. Skiing today was bettter than Friday as the grooming is leveling out the trails. The best skiing is at 9 AM on teh fresh grooming, the trails do get skied out in the afternoon with icy areas,

Friday 9 :30 PM ….Demo days Saturday 10-3

I am just coming in from checking trails and doing some touch up grooming. I was worried about the base being soft but it did freeze up hard with  the grooming yesterday and this morning. The wet spots did turn to ice but you can navigate around those. We have a 2-3 inch base but it is a bit bumpy. The trail base is grass so you can use good skis if you are careful. The classic tracks have grass here and there and are not full depth but they are getting use.

We groomed 20 km that is very skiable, we packed another 45 km to freeze it down. It is best to read trail reports in the cabin before skiing.

9 degrees and light snow falling

Thursday 9 PM


Groomers are coming in for the night. We saw the trails are firming up well. As we groomed we saw heavy snowfall squalls  so thick that you could not see and then clear again…Lake effect at its best. We have a full crew heading out again in the early AM hours and we plan to groom until noon when we will open for skiing on Friday. I would expect about 20 km groomed for Friday some with classic tracks and then more for Saturday and more for Sunday. Demo Days are on for Saturday with Fischer and Atomic attending as of of tonight.

ABR is open for skiing at noon Friday, we close for skiing at Dark. We plan to open until March. 7 days a week including Holidays

Wednesday 5 PM

We missed the rain today and got an inch of snow. Forecast temps are perfect and Lake effect is saying we will have additional snow to groom Friday and Saturday and Sunday. We are hoping to open again Friday or Saturday