Thursday 5;45 AM

We picked up about 3-4 inches of cold dry snow. The groomers are out . This snow should really shape up the ski trails this morning. We are open daily including holidays.

Wednesday night 7 PM

Good news…. bad news….

It is snowing , it rained today before it snowed. We groomed this morning and then it warmed up and rained. The rain made the snow soft but did not erase the good solid base that we had. We need more snow to regroom and freshen up the trail and cover thin areas…. It is snowing tonight and we have a full crew on to groom and plow in the early AM. We are open 9-Dark including Holidays .

Tuesday 9

The trails groomed up well this morning after the new snow from yesterday. We still have a thin base and early season conditions but the snow has been skiing well and skiers are satisfied with the thin base.

Monday 5 PM

We had about an inch of new snow today. A very light snowfall all day long.  That small snowfall drastically improved ski conditions. The trails will be regroomed again in the AM

Monday 7:30 AM

We have been out on the trails shoveling in thin areas and regrooming. It has been lightly snowing most of the morning.  I hate to talk about fractions of inches but we this dusting of snow is really improving the hard pack base and classic tracks