Saturday 7 PM

Wow, another 4 inches of snow fell overnight! 70 km of trail was again regroomed early this morning. We received a dusting during the day and the trails skied well. We will be back out in the AM to regroom!

Discounted season passes are on sale now. Ski the rest of this season and all of next season at discounted prices!

Friday 6 PM

We received about another inch of snow last night and the groomers were out regrooming this morning. The snow started up again at 10 AM and we received another 2 inches of snow during the day. We will be back our regrooming all the trails for the morning.

Thursday 7 PM

We received another inch of snow overnight. We did touch up grooming on 20 km of trails and a complete regroom on 33 km of trails. We will be back out in the AM

Wednesday 6 PM

We received about 2-3 inches of snow overnight. We groomed about 50 km of trails this morning. We will back out in the AM regrooming. Birkie Wax preps are going on all day Thursday and we have a few openings for Friday afternoon.

Tuesday 6 PM

We received about 2 inches of snow last night and we had a crew of 4 groomers out regrooming 65 km of the trail system early this morning. We will back out in the early AM hours if it snows overnight.