Taste of the Trails

The Taste of the Trails went off very well today. We filled up the main parking lots with skiers and the vendors. The food was rated excellent, the weather and snow was perfect. A good event had by all. (SKi Conditions:  daily grooming and yes The base is still 1 foot or more)

Taste of the Trails

Ski along the ABR Ski Trails and sample our local cuisine and specialties of our local restaurants.

(6)  Taste of theTrails2Restaurants will have tables set up from the trailhead along a designated route on the River Trail. You can ski or snowshoe on the River Trail to the food booths. It is a 1-2 mile route. The restaurants will be set up from 11 AM – 2PM

The Cousins

cousins 002My Cousins Robert and Esly and friend Ben up from Cincinnatti Ohio enjoying a ski weekend and full moon at the Hemlock Cabin