First Snow

It is snowing this morning, we have about an so far, just enough to make the ground white. The trails and groomers are ready to go we will keep you posted. We are having the Ski Shop Sale again today Saturday from 9-4 PM 20-50% off,

Ski Shop Sale

The ski shop is getting ready for the first day of the annual sale this Saturday. The sale is Saturday from 9-4 and all of the new skis, boots, poles, waxes and clothing will be out and on sale.

Trail work is completed

The Trail work is now completed including a few new kilometers of trail. We had some high winds and rain and snow last week that sent us back out on the trails for another week of clean up. Everything is looking good just need some snow. Thursday is forecast for snow.

Fall Colors

The fall colors are just starting, if you are looking for a spot to spend a few days, the Ironwood area is real pretty at this time of year