Sunday PM

We picked up a nice 6 inches of snow over the weekend. The trails groomed up perfect this morning. We had a bit of wind and snow during the day…maybe another inch. The groomers will be out in the early AM hours again.

Mark your calendars for the Taste of the Trails this coming Saturday from 11 – 2  PM.

Saturday 9 AM

All 60 + km of trails are groomed and trackset. Teh 4-6 inches of new snow really turned the trails in a winter wonderland.

Friday night

We received about 3 inches of snow today on top of this mornings  fresh grooming. Skiing was still very nice; the classic skiers were very happy. It was a winter wonderland. We have Wide Track, Chicken Plucker, Slab Rider  and Pig Heart grooming in the early morning hours and Coach Peno on call if we get another 3 + inches in the AM . Broken Wing will have the parking lots plowed. Looks like a nice weekend for skiing. Taste of the Trails is next Saturday.


Some folks coming by today on their way to the Birkie and picking up skis waxed for the Birkie.  Skiing was rated at some of the  best of the season today. We will be retracking some classic only trails and regrooming skate lanes in the morning.