Sunday PM

2-4 inches of new snow today, the groomers were out early this morning getting all 70 km regroomed and track set. Cooler today but nice for the classic skiers skiing the wooded classic only trails. Even 2-1/2 yr old Annaliese got out for a ski!photo

Saturday PM

We had a super day of skiing today with temps up at 30 F! We groomed all 70 km last night and in the early morning hours and reset all the classic tracks.

Thursday PM

The Hemlock Rustic Cabin
The Hemlock Rustic Cabin

What a nice day of skiing, the sun was out and the temps in the teens. We reset all of the classic only trails and groomed all the skate trails.

Merry Christmas

We woke up to about 4 inches of snow overnight. We groomed 58 of the 70 km early this morning. Skiing was super. We will be back out in the AM regrooming.