Thursday night

This was the best day of the season for skiing! The Pisten Bully had the trails smooth and flat and the classic only trails are now well covered. The snow hanging on the trees was a bonus and at 18 degrees it does not get any better! We groomed 65 km this morning and will be back out in the AM grooming the trail system again with the new fallen snow.

Wednesday 8:30 PM

We groomed 68 km this morning and reset all tracks. Classic was awesome today with  the new snow. Skating was Ok but a bit slow. The trails are flat and well covered. It is snowing so the groomers will be back out in the AM.

5 year old on skis

The recreational skiers are enjoying winter with the new snow and cold temps.  This 5 year old is enjoying a ski this afternoon on a few of the 65 k of trails regroomed by the ABR Grooming Team this morning.

5 year old

Monday 5 PM

We received about 2 inches of new snow last night and we regroomed 60 km of trails resetting all the classic tracks as well. Most skiers were classic skiing today.